- Advisors – dealing in 3rd pillar (additional pension saving) product distribution.
Examination in english language with english preparatory tools. Contact us for the order and date of the examination.
- Prezenční forma
- Distanční forma
High school graduation requirement
For the distribution of products III. pillars, it is necessary to have a high school education with a high school diploma. No exception is possible here.
Since 5 August 2015 the test has consisted of 5 thematic areas corresponding in their content to the requirements of Decree no 215/2012 Coll., and the Letter of the Czech National Bank of 4 August 2015.
The content is divided to two basic parts, the theoretical test questions (45 in total) and two case studies with an example of calculation and related questions (10 in total, 5 per case study) with each case study.
Thematic areas of the required knowledge:
All rules for the examination passing are included in the Accredited Rules of Examination.
Notice: The given wordings of legal regulations are only wordings for information. The only authentic wording of legal regulations is the wording published in the Collection of Laws or in the CNB Bulletin
Sample certificate