Preparatory Course for the Insurance Examination (EN) - Category VII: Life insurance and non-life insurance of citizens

E-learning course with practise tests.

Examination pursuant to the Insurance and Reinsurance Distribution Act

  • Proficiency examination defined by Act no 170/2018 Coll., on Insurance and Reinsurance Distribution
  • The examination applies to all independent intermediaries, tied agents and complementary insurance intermediaries (that is for employees and tied agents of independent intermediaries, insurance companies, financial advisors who contract insurance or reinsurance and all intermediaries and insurance and reinsurance providers). The examination must be passed by 31 May 2021 (the new deadline connected with extension of the transitory period for COVID-related reasons)
  • Passing the examination represents gaining proficiency pursuant to the Act.
  • Pursuant to the currently valid wording of the Insurance and Reinsurance Distribution Act, since 1 December 2018 it has not been allowed to perform activities in the area of insurance and reinsurance distribution without proof of proficiency represented by a certificate of passing this examination (including alternative methods designed for the transitory period, read on, please).

Preparation for Examination

EFPA CR offers a complex portfolio of preparatory instruments helping pass the examination at the first sitting after responsible preparation. The following is available FOR FREE WITH THE EXAMINATION:

  • An online instrument for work with trial tests with explanations of the correct answers, creation of own tests or tests generated from fail answers
  • A complete list of questions including the correct answers in PDF format for download
450,00 Kč
s DPH 545 Kč
172 studujících
16:00 hodin studia
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